Monday 18 March 2013

Naughty Mummy....

Dear Blogg Readers,

Very sorry that I have not been blogging for nearly a month! has taken over and the dreaded colds, coughs, sore throats etc have been unwelcome visitors in this house.
It looks as though the dreaded germs are on their way out, and so Diet Mummy is back!.....and back on it!

So, a little update, I am now at 12 stone 7lbs and have managed to lose a total of 25lbs. It is now time to settle back into the diet and exercise in the hope of shifting 7 more pounds so that I can reach my first major target.....12 stone!

The one fantastic thing about losing weight is that I have been starting to enjoy the fact that clothes are now fitting a hell of a lot better, and happier that I am now a size 14...creeping up from 16 to a possible 18 really wasn't something that I wanted to endulge - my clothes breathe a sigh of relief!

I will be posting again soon with a little blogg on inbetweeny fashion choices, inspired by my fellow blogger MissionStyle, check out her blogg for amazing fashion ideas, discussion and on trend item watching.

Love Diet Mummy xx

Monday 18 February 2013

The Dreaded Carb Craving!

So, today I have been feeling rather good about my acheivements so far, and figure I need to ramp the diet and exercise up a little so that I can maintain at least 2lbs a week.

But, this evening whilst cooking spaghetti bolognese for the boys my carb loaded bread craving came along and smacked me round the chops!! In my head the positive side of me was screaming "STAY AWAY!" The naughty more irresponsible side of me was equally as loud shouting "EAT ME!" My craving for bread is born from my love of bolognese sandwiches!! Disgusting I know!......I succumbed and have to admit that 1 slice of bread and bolognese has been devoured. I feel that my blogg is my confessional, so there it is.....I confess!! I am now going to ensure that I repent of my sins and am going to go for a run tonight and try and crack the 3 mile target.

Lesson for today - If you sin, confess and repent!!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Sporty Spice....

This week I have challenged myself to doing a little exercise, everyday.

I figure that the diet may start to get more difficult as time goes on and so ensuring that that I am keeping active is very important to me...

So, the week started on Sunday with a 2 mile run into town and back, I am not a very good runner, memories of cross country in hockey boots and gym knickers have not helped my negative view of running!! Nevertheless, I am trying to find my 'comfortable pace' (not sure that there is anything remotely comfortable about running - but needs must!)

As a Mum it is often difficult to find the time to do any kind of exercise, and with a husband who works until quite late it just makes the situation so much more tricky. Despite that, on Sunday's run I was joined by my 5 yr old son, who rode his bike whilst I ran, I gave him the task of looking after the money for the Sunday paper and in exchange he got to choose some sweets for him and his brother. It worked, and I think I have found a little running partner - 'yeah!!'

Monday saw another run, this time it was a run to reduce the 'rage' I had.....the kids had driven me bonkers and Mummy needed some time alone. Previously the normal routine to reduce rage would have have seen me opting to crack open some red wine and drink to relax, running is now my medicine! I managed a 2.5 mile run......another 'yeah!'

As well as deciding to increase the exercise I have decided to commit to a challenge, my choice is to sign up for the Race For Life 10k in July. I have some lovely friends that will be joining me in raising money and it will be nice to complete the challenge together as a team. If you are new to exercise, or just returning after some 'years off' it is often a good idea to set yourself tasks and challenges, that way you have a continual focus and once you achieve your goal the satisfaction is worth the hard work.

Last night was Netball night, I play with a group of school Mum's and some Paediatric Nurses - quite handy if we have any injuries! We play in a local league and haven't quite won a game yet....actually....I stand corrected, they did win once, I wasn't there that night! (Read into that what you like! ) Despite that it is a great cardio work out, and I definately feel as though I have worked hard after a game is through.

Tonights exercise will be an Ab work out with Davina, having had 2 children nature has not been very kind to me, so the ab's definately need some attention.....they are in there.....somewhere!

For all of you on my journey, remember to keep active, the weight won't go away without work. So get up, get moving and enjoy the results it can bring xx

Love Diet Mummy xx

Thursday 31 January 2013

Nearly a month.....

So, Saturday will be a month since I started my journey. I thought I would share with you my little tips that have helped me over this time so far.

FOOD - When on a diet you obviously need to look at the food you are eating and start to make healthier choices. A good idea is to make a full week's 'HONEST' Food Diary prior to starting your diet. Then in Week 1 simply revisit that food diary and see how you can  improve on the food you have consumed in that week by making healthier alternatives. This way you are not restricting your diet , but improving the quality and quantity of what you actually consume.

FOOD GROUPS - Many faddy diets ask you to drop certain food groups, such as carbs or protein. The truth of the matter is you really need to ensure that you are getting a balanced diet. I find that if you follow diets such as Atkins that take you to the opposite end of the scale and asks you to eat just protein is asking for trouble. It is impossible to maintain weight loss when you are not addressing all of the food groups, in order to keep the weight loss it must be a lifestyle change that incorporates all food groups being consumed sensibly.

EXERCISE - If you think you can just lose weight by eating less, and differently that is fine.....My belief is that exercise not only helps weight loss , toning and body sculpting but it helps the mind.  Since doing this diet and doing exercise 3 x a week I find myself alot happier, those endorphins that are triggered when doing excercise are the best medicine for anyone feeling low. So get yourself moving, I am still playing netball, 'attempting' to run and doing Zumba and Davina's DVD.

SHARING - Since doing the blogg I have found it really helpful being able to share my journey with others. It is not necessary to do a blog, but maybe get a diet buddy, someone who can help you when you are having a 'fat' day....or can maybe join you for a run.

It is weigh in day on Saturday.....I wonder what numbers will roll on .?

Good luck to anyone on the journey

Love Diet Mummy xx

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Fish and Fringes

Today has been a good day on the dieting front, nice food and feeling rather good about myself.
Todays menu:
BF: Shreddies with milk
SNACK: Banana & Oat biscuit
LUNCH: Tuna salad & Apple
DINNER: Thai salmon fishcakes x 2 with peas and salad
SNACK: Oat biscuit
DRINKS: Hot water and green tea

 I also had my hair cut, was looking on line for hairstyles that help to slim your face, as it isn't always about how much weight you lose. You need to look at how to make the best of what you have as you continue down the road of improving your health and life. I thought a new 'do' would give me that little boost, so headed to the salon for a treat courtesy of my lovely Mummy x .....So I had about 5 inches lopped off the back and now have a slightly inverted long bob and side sweep fringe......I ♥ it!

Happy Wednesday folks,

Love Diet Mummy xx

Sunday 27 January 2013


I am now moving into week four!

Who would have thought I would have made it this far? Certainly not me!

I am now 16lbs lighter and have lost a grand total of 16cms....I am just teetering above 13 stone, and hoping that this week will take me down to 12 stone something.

Thinking about weight loss has got me looking at body image and fashion. I find myself generally wearing the same items day in and day out, and my wardrobe is far less inspiring than most, with the main colour combinations being black, grey and dark blue! I class these as my 'safe' colours and the colours that some class as 'unseen' colours.

So as a result of this I have done a wardrobe cull, items have been placed into piles of:
1. Clothes I wear
2. Clothes I haven't worn in over a year
3. Special occassion clothes

All of the clothes I have not worn in over a year are going to be disposed of, there is no need to keep them.

As an incentive for weight loss, along with my target I have given myself a focus of a shopping treat. My friend, and fellow blogger Karen 'Mission; Style' has accepted my call for help, and has agreed to come with me when I hit target. I believe strongly in creating incentives for hard work, and dieting is 'hard work'. So if you are setting yourself a target for loss, don't forget to set your incentive too.

Good luck to anyone who is joining me on this journey, I hope the scales are kind to you.

Love Diet Mummy x

Monday 21 January 2013

Exercise Interference!!!

Ok, so this evening I decided to do a bit of exercise, so stuck on Wii Zumba Party.
This evening I had my usual work out mates with me, namely Benjamin and James! Mummy is trying to get a shimmy on and the boys decide this is the opportune moment to get some glow sticks out!  My work out has now turned into a rave!!!!
The three of us manage to finish the raving work out,and James has a post zumba poo!!! Quick nappy change then I decide that Davina's Ab Workout is needed just to finish up the night's entertainment.......things just don't go smoothly.....imagine Mummy, Benjamin and James all led on the floor in the same position, doing sit up's! I am not sure whether the laughing or sit up's were hurting my ab's more. The boys got bored with that so James decides to lie underneath me as I am attempting to do 'the plank'.  The trials and tribulations of my workouts continue...........